International Research Seminar: smart cities – innovation – policies – strategies

Event date:
4.10.2024, 10:00 - 11:30
Smart cities – innovation – policy & strategy seminar series

The smart cities – innovation – policy & strategy seminar series, curated by the SGH Institute of International Studies (ISM) and the SGH International Economic Policy (ZMPE) Department, in collaboration with the SGH Institute of Enterprise, is dedicated to the idea of research excellence, constructive feedback, and bridge-building within and across disciplines. Please, join us, either as presenter or engaged participant.


Welcome by: Krzysztof Kozłowski, PhD., SGH Professor, Vice Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs, Director of the Institute for International Studies (ISM)

Presentations by:

  • Marta Götz, PhD., Vistula University, 
  • Mara Grimaldi, PhD., University of Salerno
  • Silvia Baiocco, Ph.D.,  University of Rome Tor Vergata (UNIROMA2),
  • Antonella Monda, PH.D. University of Rome Tor Vergata (UNIROMA2)
  • Sabina Klimek, Ph.D., SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Moderation by

  • Anna Visvizi„ PhD., SGH Professor, Head of the International Economic Policy Department (ZMPE), Rector’s Representative for the SGH Doctoral School
  • Professor Hanna Godlewska-Majkowska, PhD., Director Institute of Enterprise, College of Business Administration, SGH

Venue: online, MsTeams. Please, register first.

The event is open to the public.

Should you have any questions regarding the event, please, send your note directly at

Save the dates:

  • 04.10.2024 
  • 25.10.2024 
  • 15.11.2024 
  • 22.11.2024 
  • 29.11.2024 onsite | Warsaw | 09:30–17:00 | Conference | Smart region-business-society

The seminar is organized in the framework of the following grants: 

  • NCN „Smart cities: Modelling, Indexing and Querying Smart City Competitiveness” (nr 2020/39/B/HS4/00579), coordinated by Anna Visvizi, dr hab., prof. SGH.
  • Statutory Research Grant: Smart business – smart regions – smart society: on the way to a new paradigm (1.1. KNOP/S22), led by Hanna Godlewska-Majkowska
Type of event:

online (MS Teams)


Institute of International Studies (ISM), International Economic Policy Department (ZMPE)
